US Marines dine at the Bangor Airport Coffee Shop before boarding their flight bound for Afghanistan where they will spend the next seven to eight months. Soldiers are anxious as they prepare to say goodbye to America.
US Army Senior Master Sergeant Michael Du, 4th Combat Camera (Combat photographer) from California is bound for Afghanistan. Du is 37 years old and is touring Afghanistan for the first time.
US MARINES arrive at Bangor International Airport at 2300 on the 5th of April on route to Afghanistan. On arrival and departure, The Maine Troop Greeters are there to welcome and farewell the soldiers, they provide phones to the Troops which have been donated by a US Cellular company which have an unlimited free call rate.
A plane carrying US soldiers arrives in the afternoon at Bangor International Airport to refuel. The soldiers will be deployed to Afghanistan after a meal and a short wait in the terminal.
Specialist Stephen Hyser from California takes a shave in the bathroom of Bangor International Airport after returning from 12 months in Iraq with the US ARMY. Hyser is returning from his first tour of Iraq. The Maine Troop Greeters, a non-profit organisation based at the airport provide the soldiers with toiletries as well as telephones and snacks. 'They like to spruce themselves up before going home', explains Tom Kohl, chairman of the Troop Greeters.
21 year old Corporal Ben Cole from Columbus Ohio, 3rd Battalion 4th Marines returns from his 1st deployment, 7 1/2 months in Afghanistan. Aunty Tina Daigle, cousin Kelsey Daigle from the state of Maine waited at the airport to welcome him home. Ben's father Michael says that Ben is a big tough Marine, but has a very soft heart. Ben had not seen his Grandmother Gloria Cote for five years; they were re-united at the airport.
23 year old E4 Specialist Travis Nowak from Wisconsin, Echo Company 2/227 ACB (Air Cavalry Brigade) returned from his 2nd tour of Iraq. He plans to finish up in the US Army in June to begin studying Business.
23 year old Sergeant Robert Weiss from South Carolina, 4/6 Infantry (4th Brigade Combat Team) 1st Armoured Division. Returning from his 2nd deployment with the US Army, Weiss spent 12 months in IRAQ. His girlfriend is at work and is unable to talk on the telephone, so they text one another instead. When asked how it feels to be home he replied, 'Anything is better than being in Iraq.'
Soldiers from the US Army are overwealmed by the first glimpse of grass. 'All we had in Iraq was dirt and sand.' 20 year old Private Second Class Joe Hamilton from Oregan, 141 Brigade Support Battalion embraces some morning sunlight after returning from 12 months in Iraq.
21 year old Corporal Armando Ramirez from California, 3rd Battalion 4th Marines returned from his first tour of Afghanistan. Ramirez has previously been posted in Iraq
21 year old Lance Corporal Shane McBride from Virginia, 3rd Battalion 4th Marines returned from his first tour of Afghanistan where he was posted for 7 months.